Discovering New Healthcare Potential with Neuro20

Neuro20 Technologies announces FDA clearance of the Neuro20 PRO System, the first US-made FDA-cleared muscle stimulation textile for treating neuromuscular injuries and diseases with a wireless operating system.

Discovering New Healthcare Potential with Neuro20

Neuro20 Technologies announces FDA clearance of the Neuro20 PRO System, the first US-made FDA-cleared muscle stimulation textile for treating neuromuscular injuries and diseases with a wireless operating system.

The Science Behind Neuro20
is Going to Change Our Understanding of Human Movement

There are thousands of studies highlighting the positive metabolic and physiological effects of electrical muscle stimulation, as well as the future potential of electrical muscle stimulation as it relates to recovery and human performance. But Neuro20 PRO is the evolution of 50+ years of research into EMS. After decades of using only ONE system with TWO electrodes on ONE body part, with better technology, we have realized we are only scratching the surface.

Neuro20 is bringing new technology to the world of healthcare that has never been seen before. The human body is "electrical" and we are tapping into new potential using Electrophysiological Neuromodulation.

Here are just some of the many relevant studies that support electrical muscle stimulation for medical purposes:
Effect of Patterned Electrical Neuromuscular Stimulation on Vertical Jump in Collegiate Athletes Mar 2011
K. Watanabe et al Effect of exercise intensity on metabolic responses on combined application of electrical stimulation and voluntary exercise. Physiological Reports Feb 2021
K. Watanabe et al Relationships between muscle strength and multi-channel surface EMG parameters in eighty-eight elderly Eur Review Aging and Physical Activity 2018 Apr 11;15:3
T Kimura et al Neuromuscular electrical stimulation increases serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor in humans. Experimental Brain Research Feb 2019
Tessa Gordon The physiology of neural injury and regeneration: The role of neurotrophic factors Journal of Communication Disorders Jul-Aug 2010;43(4):265-73
Kramer JF et al Comparison of voluntary and electrical stimulation contraction torques J Orthop Sports Physical Therapy 1984
Paulina Hebisz, et al Changes in exercise capacity and serum BDNF following long-term sprint interval training in well-trained cyclists. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism Oct 2018
 R.G. Carson and A.R. Buick Neuromuscular electrical stimulation-promoted plasticity of the human brain. Jour. Physiol 2021 599.9 (2021) pp 2375–2399 Published on-line Sept 2019
Ana M Dall’ Acqua, Amanda Sachetti, Laura J Santos, Fernando A Lemos, Tanara Bianchi, Wagner S Naue, Alexandre S Dias, Graciele Sbruzzi, Silvia R R Vieira, MoVe- ICU Group, Use of neuromuscular stimulation to preserve the thickness of the abdominal and chest muscles of critically ill patients, a randomized clinical trial, Published Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Jan 19;49(1) pgs. 40-48
Franck Brocherie, Nicolas Babault, Gilles Cometti, Nicola Maffiuletti, And Jean-Claude Chatard, Electrostimulation Training Effects on Hockey Players, Published March 2005, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Volume 37, issue 3 p. 455-460
Mohammad Hossein Khabbaz Kababi, Najmeh Rezaeian , Hossein Negahban Sioki , Ali Y’aghoubi, Effect of Resistance Training along with Electrical Muscle Stimulation on Serum Levels of Some of the Molecular Markers of Muscle Hypertrophy in Male Athletes after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Surgery, Published 2022 Journal of Basic Research in Medical Science 9(1): pgs. 1-8

Whether used alone to improve motor impairment or embedded within complex systems to create functional multi-joint movement, the potential that electrical muscle stimulation holds for rehabilitation, recovery, and human performance is significant.

Neuro20 has a database of studies relevant to the effectiveness of the Neuro20 approach to Whole Body Electrophysiological Neuromodulation, with some parameters as the technology developed for the Neuro20 PRO Smart Suit is advanced beyond the majority of products currently on the market.

Please contact us for more information on electrical muscle stimulation research or to request case study results.